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A Close Second.
42" x 24"
Mixed media
Vancuver, BC

Harangue.42" x 24"
Mixed media

Salvation in Pink.52" x 36"
Mixed media

Orientation.24" x 42"
Mixed media

Curatorial statement::

With the 21st century presenting a major technological push effecting everything from common social ritual to basic social interaction; environmental concerns at neck with social status ‘Ingress’ takes into consideration the pending impromptu a new era.

The strong social and political liberation won through the 1960’s and 70’s influenced progressive new opportunities in arts and culture notable in the 1980’s and 90’s.
Now in the 21st century the current impact technology has on our present social template is undeniable as we rapidly push forward trying to understand the increasingly mystical platform of what is becoming a new era in humanities understanding of itself..

‘Ingress’ brings together three of Vancouver’s emerging artists in presentation of a common theme for social statement.
From Nolan's ('Orientation') scoured depiction of human evolution and its abstraction from nature to Barnes’ ('Fresh Start') mingled imagery expressing the collision of old world sensibilities and its determination for the future. Free of pejorative, Barnes draws to attention a previous era's preconceived destiny via a projected sense of itself wile Alison depicts the feminine condition constantly in flux with an ever changing social decorum.

Together this collective body explores a variety of past precedent sociopolitical issues in consideration of the modern social landscape.
Artist statement::
Neal Nolan
The basis for this body of work is in the impetus of evolution and the break down of the human condition. The visual dialogue presented takes into consideration the contemporary recognition of man as an animal- relating our modern stasis with our evolutionary roots, the imagery and signifiers used explore the relationship between where we have come from and who we have become,. depicting our natural landscape and humanities abstraction from it.
Over the past century the acceptance of man as part of the animal world has constantly opened research to new areas in the study of behavior.
.If man was no longer an angel, then surely he could be merely an animal; if man did not in fact take part in the supernatural then, of course, he must be merely natural.
However much an animal man may be, the way in which he has continued to survive should always be kept in mind; for it is in this that his distinctness lies and his humanity rests.
For the past three million years at least, the major means by which man defined and solved the problems of his survival as an individual and as a species have been uniquely based in his symbiotically expressed culture and problem solving behavior. Such behavior quite simple and yet in part very complex, but all a part of his own creation- has vastly extended the potential of his biological apparatus wile requiring no significant alterations of the apparatus itself. That change, that improvement, has come about through a continuing subordination of bodily needs and bodily structure to the demands of a socially defined and socially sanctioned system of behavior.
We brought the stream and the warmth into the cave, the hunting ground into a safe commodious environment and are rightfully served through these meager advancements. With our basic survival needs met, we continue to evolve technologically, up until recently, ignoring- on part ignorant, the impact these advancements have had on our natural landscape and the amenities therein. We find ourselves in what is presented as an evolved habitat; with the simplification of primary sustenance, our basic needs for survival directly supplied, we are left with idle hands- instead of evolving spiritually we continue to evolve technologically, obsessed with a superficial social status driven by capitalism, and marketing turning us from meager animals in search of basic needs and absolution into consumers in symbiosis of an insecure support system. Obscured from our natural habitat we facilitate an ephemeral paradise.